PI Integration for Azure Dev Ops: Once the original hierarchy comes over from Azure Dev Ops, the Project Insight project manager can choose to no longer sync the hierarchy - this is important if the PI Project Manager plans to reorganize the structure in Project Insight for their own PM purposes
Azure Dev Ops: Links in the "Links" column of the Task List now direct to the correct item in PI Integration for Azure Dev Ops
PI Integration for Jira: Jira's Story Points and Original Estimate fields will come over to PI as either Story Points, Work Hours, or convert Story Points to PI Work Hours
PIML: Project Insight Markup Language Add On now supports Custom Items
Continued improvements to the PI Mobile App
Contract Report: Naming consistencies, drag-to-resize-column options, reports now save correctly
Removed the seldom-used "At Risk" data field on the Project Add/Edit form - Project Insight Custom Fields are a better alternative