Why choose Project Insight?

Aggregate all of your Projects

Project Insight is designed to work with multiple project methodologies including Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban and more.
PI is the ONLY project management tool which can combine and report on ALL of your organization's projects and work in real-time, including ones in other PM tools like JIRA, Microsoft DevOps, Service Now, and Trello.

Flexible & Customizable

Project Insight is designed fit your processes. Add custom fields, custom forms and much more in just a few minutes.
Build custom proccess or access all of your data with our robust REST API.
Connect to Project Insight with your favorite analytics tools like Tableau and Microsoft Power BI.
Supported by real people

Talk to a Real Person

If and when you need personal assistance, from a real person (not a bot) we're here for you! Our intelligent, responsive, and friendly success consultants are ready to help you automate your work.

Grow as you Go

Project Insight is the ONLY Enterprise Work & Project Management Software tool which has an entirely FREE version you can expand when you're ready.
You'll never need to switch to another tool. Start FREE, and add-on as your project management needs expand.
Grow as you go

Award-Winning Quality

Project Insight is a leading full-featured Enterprise Work and Project Portfolio Management tool. Thousands of customers trust Project Insight to automate projects, tasks, time & billing, capacity planning, client invoicing, approvals, issues, customized forms and much more.
2019 CODIE Award Winner
2020 CODIE Award Finalist

We Work With the Best

JD Power and Associates